Friday, July 19, 2013

For Mac

Where Will Your Future Take You?

Will you crop your hair or let it grow,
Wear a cap like Grandaddy pulled low,
May the wind of the Rockies toss your hair,
While the smell of lavender fills the air,
Songs of the meadow lark fill your ears,
And your time on earth span 200 years,
May a Pacific sunset light your eyes,
And no one ever hurt you will lies,
The aroma of low tide sting your nose,
While you stand where swamp grass grows,
May exotic cuisine pass over your tongue,
And may you always take time for fun,
If the weight of the world finds your shoulders,
Let it give you power to be bolder,
May you stroll arm and arm with you love,
And you calloused hand caress a dove,
Walk confidently into you future , Mac,
And remember never, ever look back.

Love, Grani