Thursday, April 26, 2012

Cari, My Daughter

In honor of National Poetry Month and all the wonderful support and work my daughter, 
Cari Standridge George has done, I have decided to share one I wrote almost 10 years ago. 
I hope you enjoy.

Cari B. Standridge

Sometimes I pick up my pen, when I’m feeling troubles within.
Sometimes I pick up my brush, when there are fears to be hushed.
Over the years, changes have come, unwanted, there have been some.
Their need we couldn’t fore-see, always learning they had to be.
When you were born, I held you tight, to keep you safe, willing to fight.
A new part of my life began, when I held your tiny hand.
You grew older and started walking, sometimes wouldn’t stop talking.
Curious you were beyond belief; you loved school to my relief.
Barely reaching the table, sitting in a chair, what you learned glad to share.
I see your tiny hands working still, with great concentration on that pencil.
Again unwanted changes came, as you grew older, still the same.
We’ve lived in too many places, gotten to know too many faces.
But through all the changes, every one, and all the places, you shine like the sun.
You’ve been my bright star in the sky, even though you’re pretty shy.
You’ve always been my calm in the storm, the smile that keeps me warm.
I’ve made stupid choices in my life, but you gave me no cause for strife.
As you reach your eighteenth year, there is something you should hear.
Cari, I want to say “Thank you”, for the gentleness you have in you,
For the daughter that you are, but for more than that by far.
I thought with all our moving, there was something I was missing.
I thought I would never posses, someone I held in great closeness.
That I would say with certainty, “She’s my friend, always will be!”
But as I set you free, a women now, to say this I’m not sure how.
In letting go of you, I bring you close to me.
Because Cari, YOU are my best friend and ALWAYS will be.

-April Mobley


  1. Mom- that is still my favorite poem ever! You are amazing and I cannot thank you enough for all the love you have given me!

    1. Well, lets get this in the right place! LOL, You always made it easy. You really did!

  2. You always made it easy! No, really!!

  3. That is the sweetest thing ever:) I'm grinning from ear to ear!

    1. Thank you very much, she's a great subject!

    2. I am so lucky to have her for my mom- you should have seen me the first time I read it.

  4. The love between you and Cari fills my heart. What a gift you have in each other ... so very special

    1. Thank you! My mom is amazing and I'm lucky that we have the relationship we have!

    2. Thank you very much! We have an amazing relationship, I am very happy to have the daughter I do. She makes me a better person.
